Deciphering the Dark and Darker AP Conundrum: PvP Progression Woes

The Dark and Darker experience takes a challenging turn for players inclined towards intense PvP engagements, especially with the unforgiving nature of the Advancement Points (AP) system. The struggle is evident—how can one venture into duos, emerge victorious by toppling teams and seizing their prized loot, only to witness a perplexing downturn in AP? This predicament raises questions about the intricacies of the system and leaves players wondering what might be amiss.

Many PvP enthusiasts find themselves in a conundrum, facing negative AP despite formidable performances in duos or solo encounters. The situation becomes even more perplexing when, as a Barbarian or Rogue, one navigates through multiple games with minimal deaths yet ends the evening with a considerable deficit in AP.

The dichotomy between playing aggressively and accumulating AP becomes evident in the experiences of players. While engaging in combat and securing victories over opponents leads to an unexpected dip in AP, a more cautious and PvE-focused approach yields modest gains ranging from 150 to 450 AP.

The advent of white lobbies has significantly altered the landscape, pushing High Roller (HR) mode from an occasional choice to a staggering 50% of games played. This shift is attributed to the prevalent issue of “Timmy stomping,” where highly skilled and well-geared players dominate lobbies, causing frustration among the broader player base.

The imposition of white lobbies compels players to embrace HR mode if they wish to utilize the gear they acquire, creating a stark choice between positive reinforcement for engaging in PvP and discouragement for eliminating opponents with minimal loot. The dilemma unfolds as the top 10% of players yearn for the return of PvP leaderboards and lobby wipes, while the remaining 90% express contentment with avoiding swift defeats at the hands of overpowering adversaries.

Recognizing the critical balance between catering to hardcore enthusiasts and accommodating a broader player base, it becomes apparent that the longevity and growth of Dark and Darker hinge on appealing to casual gamers. Drawing parallels with Tarkov, a genre leader with more casual-friendly mechanics despite its reputation for hardcore gameplay, reinforces the notion that catering to a wider audience is key to sustaining the game’s success.

A notable trend emerges as players devise creative solutions, such as creating PvP alts after achieving desired ranks on their mains. This strategic workaround allows them to safeguard their season rewards while mitigating the challenges posed by the existing AP system. The anticipation for an arena mode, acknowledged as a priority by the developers, reflects a collective desire to offer PvP enthusiasts an alternative outlet distinct from PvE-focused experiences.

In navigating the intricate realm of Dark and Darker, resolving the PvP progression woes remains a focal point for both players and developers. Striking a delicate balance between hardcore and casual elements is pivotal, ensuring that the game not only thrives but also continues to evolve to meet the diverse needs of its player community. Do you have any constructive suggestions for this? Work with for the development of DND, stabilize the price market of Dark and Darker Gold and enjoy the game.

A Deep Dive into EA FC 24’s Deflection Game

In the vast and competitive world of EA FC 24, every player has experienced those frustrating moments where it seems the ball just won’t go their way. Whether it’s losing possession after a tackle or witnessing a crucial deflection that favors the opponent, these 50/50 moments can significantly influence the outcome of a game. In this exploration, we delve into the intriguing world of deflections and their impact on the overall gaming experience.

The Curiosity

The journey began with a simple yet perplexing question: Why do some games feel more frustrating than others? Seeking answers, the focus turned to the occurrences of deflections in matches, especially those pivotal 50/50 moments that decide possession and control.

The Research

A series of games were meticulously examined, with particular attention given to instances where possession was contested, be it corners headed into opponents’ feet or loose balls after tackles. The goal was to shed light on the frequency of these moments and how they contributed to the overall gameplay experience.

The Astonishing Findings

The research yielded a surprising revelation – an average loss of 73% in the 50/50 moments studied across the selected games. While acknowledging the limited data pool, this staggering statistic offered a profound insight into the dynamics of these moments, which had a notable impact on the perceived fairness of the games.

Unraveling the Impact

Understanding the implications of consistently losing 50/50 moments is crucial to comprehending the overall gaming experience. These instances not only affect possession but also contribute to the frustration and sense of unfairness that players may feel during certain games.

Not a Rant, But an Insight

It is essential to clarify that this exploration is not intended as a rant or complaint against the game but rather as an insight into a pattern observed during gameplay. By sharing this discovery, the aim is to foster a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to the ebb and flow of matches in EA FC 24.

Leveling the Playing Field

Armed with this newfound awareness, players can approach games with a more strategic mindset. Recognizing the potential impact of 50/50 moments allows for better adaptation to the game’s dynamics, potentially leveling the playing field even in the face of statistical odds.

Game Balance and Variability

EA FC 24, like any competitive video game, strives to achieve a delicate balance between realism and enjoyable gameplay. The variability introduced by the outcome of 50/50 moments adds an element of unpredictability, ensuring that no two matches are the same. While this can lead to frustration, it also contributes to the unique and dynamic nature of the gaming experience.

The Human Element

In any sports simulation game, the element of human error – both by the player and the virtual players – plays a crucial role. The outcomes of 50/50 moments may not always align with expectations, mirroring the unpredictability inherent in real-world sports scenarios.


In unraveling the mystery of 50/50 moments and the deflection game within EA FC 24, players gain valuable insights into the nuances that shape their gaming experiences. With a better understanding of these dynamics, individuals can navigate the virtual pitch with heightened awareness, embracing the variability that makes each match a unique challenge. The quest for victory becomes not just a test of skill but also an exploration of adaptability in the face of unexpected twists and turns.

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Throne of Liberty: A Critical Analysis and the Quest for Quality

Throne of Liberty has recently undergone a full release, and players are sharing their experiences with this highly anticipated MMO. The game has seen some improvements since the last review, but there are still areas that leave players less than impressed. In this article, we’ll delve into various aspects of the game, from combat mechanics and questing to Throne and Liberty Lucent monetization and overall user interface, to provide a comprehensive overview.

Combat System: A Mixed Bag

The combat system in Throne of Liberty has seen some changes since the initial review. Players note that the developers have made efforts to transition from the auto-play system to a more interactive combat experience. The addition of new abilities, including a parry mechanic, adds a layer of complexity to engagements. However, despite these improvements, the combat system still falls short of competing with other contemporary MMOs.

One player describes the combat as reminiscent of a mobile game, drawing parallels with the combat system of ArcheAge on mobile. The absence of a dodge roll, present in many other MMOs, is felt keenly by players, although the parry mechanic attempts to compensate for this limitation. The overall consensus is that the combat, while slightly improved, lacks the fluidity and responsiveness found in other MMOs.

Questing: A Mundane Experience

Questing in Throne of Liberty is described as a routine task, with players expressing disappointment in the simplicity of the quests. The mechanics involve approaching a target, pressing a button, and moving on, drawing comparisons to the questing system in modern MMOs like Black Desert Online. The lack of innovation in quest design contributes to a less-than-engaging player experience.

Moreover, the game employs a reward-centric system that constantly showers players with incentives, akin to a gacha or mobile game. This approach, while aiming to encourage player engagement, is criticized for feeling disingenuous and potentially manipulative.

Monetization: The Specter of Pay-to-Win

One of the most significant concerns raised by players revolves around the game’s monetization model. The presence of a battle pass, offering both free and premium tiers, is not inherently problematic. However, the contents of the premium pass, including gold, potions, and upgrade materials, raise suspicions of a pay-to-win structure.

The game’s marketplace, exclusively using a cash shop currency, adds another layer to the pay-to-win debate. While the availability of in-game methods to earn this currency is acknowledged, the reliance on cash shop currency for transactions raises concerns among players.

User Interface: Mobile Game Aesthetics

Throne of Liberty’s user interface has undergone some changes, with improved icons that reflect a more traditional MMO style. However, the overall design still leans heavily towards a mobile game aesthetic, which may not resonate well with players accustomed to the more polished interfaces of PC-oriented MMOs.

Upgrade System: Akin to Mobile Games

The game’s upgrade system, allowing players to enhance abilities and weapons, is likened to the mechanics found in mobile games. While the presence of RNG elements adds a layer of unpredictability, players appreciate that the system appears more restrained compared to other Korean MMOs.

Graphics and Sound Design: A Silver Lining

One redeeming aspect of Throne of Liberty is its graphics and sound design. Players praise the game for its visual appeal and commend the developers for creating an immersive environment. Despite this positive aspect, it’s noted that graphical prowess alone does not compensate for the shortcomings in gameplay and mechanics.

Conclusion: A Generous Two out of Ten

In conclusion, Throne of Liberty receives a modest two out of ten from players who find the game lacking in comparison to its contemporaries. While the graphics and sound design are commendable, the combat system, questing experience, and concerns about pay-to-win aspects contribute to a less-than-favorable overall impression.

The absence of a global release date further adds uncertainty to the game’s future in the Western market. As players await updates and potential improvements, it remains to be seen whether Throne of Liberty can overcome its current limitations and stand out in a highly competitive MMO landscape.

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Predictions: WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 2 and Beyond

As the WoW Classic Season of Discovery unfolds, the anticipation for future phases and the introduction of new content is palpable among players. While it’s essential to emphasize that this discussion is for enjoyment and not an endorsement of rushing through the current phase, it’s intriguing to explore the possibilities that lie ahead.

One of the primary questions centers around dungeons that may transition into raids. With the current limitation on normal BFD due to its raid status, curiosity arises regarding the level 50 raid and whether all four wings, akin to Stratholme (SM), will be accessible. This prompts speculation about potential dungeon lockouts for leveling dungeons if players engage in excessive spamming.

The prospect of a level 50 zone for PvP battlegrounds becomes a focal point of discussion. Players share their predictions on the introduction of dual spec, speculating that it could be unlocked at level 40. Another query involves the release strategy for level 60 raids—whether they will be introduced simultaneously or follow a phased cadence akin to Classic WoW.

Observations suggest a trend of transforming significant leveling dungeons into raids, exemplified by BFD and the upcoming Gnomeregan raid. This prompts contemplation about the next potential raid, with Sunken Temple being a plausible candidate. However, concerns are raised about the dungeon’s repetitive nature, and suggestions emerge for innovative approaches, such as fighting a boss multiple times with varied vulnerabilities or mechanics.

The mention of level 60 raids invokes speculation about Karazhan, potentially slated for Phase 4. Questions linger about the possibility of revisiting BRD as a raid, considering its prominence in the pre-BiS loot landscape. The challenge arises from BRD’s substantial role in the existing Classic loot structure, prompting considerations of loot rebalancing or the introduction of two new level 60 raids to avoid redundancy.

While these speculations ignite excitement, it’s important to approach them with the understanding that WoW Classic Season of Discovery unfolds in its own time. The developers’ decisions and the evolving player experience will shape the trajectory of the game. For now, players can relish the current content, share theories, and eagerly await the official revelations that will shape the future of WoW Classic Season of Discovery.

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Cabal Beginners’ Essential Guide: Comprehensive Archer Experience

Preface: This guide on “Amplification and Fatal Damage” attributes is equally applicable to other professions.

Having played Cabal for three years, progressing from a small character to an experienced archer (a bit self-indulgent, but I believe in my capabilities), I now share my experiences for the benefit of everyone’s progress.

Archer: In Cabal, speed is its absolute advantage. While burst damage may not be its strongest suit, in terms of DPS (Damage Per Second), archers are undoubtedly the most stable and powerful.

Firstly, players need to consider the role of their archer: PK (Player Killing) or dungeons?

PK: Attack should be the primary consideration, as stable and efficient sustained high output is the key to victory. The best defense is a good offense. However, due to the emphasis on high output, low defense becomes its fatal weakness. It’s crucial not to engage in direct confrontation (combo) with opponents unless victory is assured, or in a last-ditch effort. Despite its defensive vulnerability, archers can compensate with their evasion attribute. In my PK experience, the conclusion is clear: before ensuring the ability to defeat the enemy, leverage the advantage of attack speed for guerrilla warfare. Then, seize the opportunity to combo the opponent.

Dungeons: As mentioned earlier, the weakness of archers lies in their defense, but evasion helps compensate for this. However, in higher-level dungeons from level 105 onwards, the high damage output and accuracy of BOSS or mini-BOSS become archers’ Achilles’ heel. Yet, archers possess 9-10 grid ranged attacks and powerful recovery abilities (Healing Light’s healing + significant HP recovery in an instant). This is why experienced players have always said that archers are resilient. In summary, when it comes to dungeons, unless you have a significant equipment advantage, avoid soloing dungeons. The consumption is too high, and you may find your health at half when you’re preparing to combo, and healing won’t be enough. Unless your equipment has an absolute advantage, soloing dungeons can be risky.

Archer: Silent guardian when not unleashing power; Catastrophe when power is unleashed.

An archer is like a chess cannon, firing from a distance. The mountain is your own shield – fierce, dual shots.

Regarding the choice of archer skills:

My attack skills are: Lethal Shot 20, Arrow of Shadow 20, Spear of Earth 18, Earth Compression 18, Poison Arrow 20, Distorted Space 12, Starfall 20.

The skill amplifications are: 145%, 185%, 175%, 185%, 185%, 175%, 195%.

Note: The skill amplification values are based on the old Cabal display data. Although the current display may be different, the difference in amplification should be the same.

Why choose these skills? Let me analyze my choices:

Firstly, Arrow of Shadow, Spear of Earth, Earth Compression, Poison Arrow, and Starfall. Among these skills, only Spear of Earth has an amplification of 175%, while the amplifications of other skills are 185% and 195%.

So, why Lethal Shot and Distorted Space? Lethal Shot comes with a 50% lethal rate and 105% critical damage, while Distorted Space brings an 85% stun for 5 seconds.

Note: Regarding the stun effect, it begins counting when the skill is accurately released on the enemy to deal damage (similar to knockdown and knockback effects).

Calculated this way, when the opponent is stunned by Distorted Space, half of the skill’s duration has already passed. With a duration of 2.3 seconds, half is 1.2 seconds. This means that after Distorted Space is released, the opponent will be at your mercy for 3 seconds.

For high-tier auxiliary skills, there are Thundering Shot and Thunder Compression. However, I’ll explain why I didn’t choose them below:

Thundering Shot has the longest release time among gun skills (1.5 seconds), equivalent to the release time of a compressed skill. The amplification of Thundering Shot 18 and Spear of Earth 18 is the same at 185%, but the additional damage is different.

Similarly, Thunder Compression 18 has a release time of 1.8 seconds, but its actual effect doesn’t surpass the damage of Poison Arrow (because Poison Arrow has additional damage every 2.3 seconds over 10 seconds).

The above is my choice of skills. Below is the arrangement of attack skills:

As mentioned earlier, archers rely on the advantage of speed to achieve high output damage.

  1. Continuous Combo: Lethal Shot 20 / Arrow of Shadow 20 / Spear of Earth 18 / Earth Compression 18… These four skills can be used in the fastest combo cycle (by fastest combo, I mean that you can press the skill key to release the skill as soon as the combo bar reaches the point where the skill can be released).
  2. Non-Combo: Lethal Shot 20 / Arrow of Shadow 20 / Spear of Earth 18. These three skills can be used in a cycle every 4 seconds.
  3. Guerrilla Warfare: Lethal Shot 20 / Blink / Arrow of Shadow 20 / Blink / Dash. These five skills can be used in a cycle.
  4. Guerrilla Warfare 2: Lethal Shot 20 / Blink / Dash / Arrow of Shadow 20 / Blink / Dash. These six skills can be used in a cycle.

This is the basic routine I recommend, but the essence of martial arts in every school has only a few moves, but the methods of use are varied. The specifics depend on your own accumulation of experience through practice.

Now, let’s address the most concerning topic: equipment selection.

Whether archers should follow the amplification route or the critical strike route is a favorite and seemingly unnecessary discussion. In the game experience section (original MOLI game Cabal forum), there is detailed research on amplification and critical damage data. Unfortunately, the links to those two posts cannot be opened now. Only the poster himself can open them by searching for his own essential posts on the MOLI game forum.

The conclusion drawn is:

Amplification adds a bonus to the basic attack power. In other words, the higher your attack, the more pronounced the amplification effect.

Note: The output obtained after amplification will be offset by the opponent’s defense.

Critical damage adds a bonus to the actual damage value. In other words, the higher your actual damage against the opponent, the higher your critical damage bonus.

Currently, no one has determined the upper limit of amplification. The upper limit of critical damage is 240%.

Here, let me share an example related to critical damage that I have practiced:

During the national war, with the heritage weapon, when sniper mode and aura mode were not activated, Lethal Shot 20 produced higher critical damage than Arrow of Shadow 20, Spear of Earth 18, and Earth Compression 18.

However, when sniper mode was activated and aura mode exploded, the critical damage of Arrow of Shadow 20, Spear of Earth 18, and Earth Compression 18 was higher than Lethal Shot 20, because the upper limit of critical damage is 240%.

The critical damage possessed by Arrow of Shadow, Spear of Earth, and Earth Compression:

Heritage 70%, Aura mode 18%, Precision Sniper 90%, Self 20%, Jewelry and helmet 35 (Feyin +7, +10 ring pair, helmet 5%) = 233%.

The critical damage inherent in Lethal Shot 20, under the above conditions, results in a critical damage bonus of 338%. However, the upper limit of critical damage is 240%.

At this point, the critical damage has basically reached its limit. The determining factor now depends on the level of amplification.

Lethal Shot 20 (145), Arrow of Shadow 20 (185), Spear of Earth 18 (175), Earth Compression 18 (185).

The difference is 35%-45% in amplification, directly affecting the final damage value and, consequently, the effectiveness of critical damage.

This is why the situation I mentioned in the example occurred. Specific equipment configurations depend on the player.

I’ll say this: from the current attack perspective, achieving 65%-75% amplification is already quite good.

A higher level is 100% amplification. But if it’s even higher, I can say this: you have too much money. It’s just data, not very useful.

Because your attack is only this much, for example, 1000 attacks, skill amplification 185%.

If the equipment is 100%, your total amplification is 285%.

Output should be 2850 plus skill additional damage.

If the equipment is 115% amplification, then your total amplification is 300%.

Your output is 3000 plus skill additional damage.

For the sake of this 15% amplification, your investment can probably get you two sets of 285% total amplification.

Now, there’s a big misconception that many people have:

Amplification is most noticeable between 100% and 200%.

However, the additional 100% amplification at 300% compared to 200% does not double the output obtained at 200% amplification (similar to the experience bonus in VIP).

Critical damage doesn’t ignore defense because there’s a basic output first, then after offsetting the opponent’s defense, actual damage is obtained. Critical damage adds a bonus to the actual damage value.

(Understand this short paragraph on your own. If you can’t, consider it unsaid.)

To help everyone better understand the importance of reasonable combination of amplification and critical damage, I’ll give an example.

Base attack 1000, total amplification 300%, no critical damage, monster defense 1000.

In the case of critical damage, the actual damage to the monster is:


Base attack 1000, total amplification 250%, critical damage 50%, monster defense 1000.

In the case of critical damage, the actual damage to the monster is:


Which do you think has a better cost-effectiveness between 300% amplification and 250% amplification with 50% critical damage?

Let me make one more point clear: Amplification increases your basic output, thus increasing the actual damage value. This is why critical damage becomes more effective with higher critical damage bonuses.

The equipment mentioned above is what I used during the time of honor + excellence. At that time, MOLI game had already introduced the Wind Chime equipment set with 60 amplification through the roulette.

Although the latter part of the article mentions equipment amplification and critical damage choices, which may not be entirely practical for the 180-220 amplification era, there is still relevance. It depends on everyone’s own understanding.

However, it is precisely applicable to Cabal 2 now. As long as there won’t be another 100-200+ amplification Wind Chime set, the equipment matching suggestions mentioned in my article can still be used.

You also need to use your brain in the game, figure out how to spend the least to get the most benefits. This is what is called cost-effectiveness.

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